Review: Can You Trust Tai Lopez’s Instagram New Training Programme?

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  • The strategy is realistic and seems to be usable
  • It doesn’t just cover about the information; it also covers about the action taking
  • It doesn’t require much cost to start
  • The programme can be used to manage multiple profile pages and multiple niches


  • The advertised earning on the salespage page are somewhat hyped Review

The Real Training Programme that Helps you Improve Followers Organically Using Nothing but AI review

Recently, I saw that Tai Lopez just created a new training program that teaches audiences on Instagram about the method of going viral using AI support. So, my goal is to make this article straightforward, to help you understand whether the program works or not, and to make an analysis of how practical it is to launch your business.

Please note that the program is not about to start a new business from scratch. Instead, it’s a program to help existing businesses (like ecommerce store owners, influencers, business coaches) to scale their business growth using viral marketing strategy. And this is the strategy to be applied in 2024, not the old-fashioned strategy that works like before.

There’s a whole lot more to discover, so let’s take a deep look on my review! At the end of this article, you will understand about the program, how it helps you and you can determine either it is for you or not.

If you don’t know me, I will never review a training course without stepping into it or understanding about it. To create this review, I personally paid $197 (the old price, now it’s $87) to gain access to the training program. Then, I watched a video program and conducted some research for people who were implementing the same strategy as Tai Lopez (either students or not), to see if it actually worked and if this method got people going viral.

For further information on how I create review on this website, read my review guidelines. Review: The Overview

The product creatorTai Lopez
Product nameViralpages AI
Front-end price$87 (one-time payment)
Product Official Sale Page
BonusYes, Huge Bonuses check them at the end of this review
NicheInfluencer Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Instagram Theme Page
Guarantee14-day money-back guarantee Review: EXPLORING ITS PURPOSE

In brief, is a training program that offers a formula called (S.R.P.), which helps you monetize Instagram pages by selecting profitable niches, reposting viral content, and leveraging AI to faster that process.

So, you are aiming to create two income streams from these pages, which can be as an influencers or as an e-commerce sellers on Shopify and other plattform.

And i see that the claims the strategy is simpler and more cost-effective when compared to other business models like dropshipping or SEO content creation.

Example of a good Instagram theme page:

With the algorithm of Instagram Reels, you can reach even more followers without the need to run ads.

And the main focus is to make short video less than 90 seconds and has a good vertical view on mobile.



Tai Lopez is so famous in the industry. He isn’t just an influencer, he’s also a wealth coach, an enthusiasts, a motivator and a business mentor of many people in the world. Also, he works in the industry for a long-time and has generated a lot great results & achievements.

Some of his famous programs on the internet are 67 Steps, SMMA (up to 4 version), Ecom Agency, Copywriting Workshop, Traffic Mastery, etc.

About The Author

Mr. Hai Nguyen

Internet marketing course evaluator

I have been in the industry for many years, and I have personally put my pocket to buy some courses just to create product reviews for my audiences. And I have been endorsed by many buyers for providing an honest software, internet marketing product reviewer.

When I evaluate a course or software, I don’t just show people what they get; I also evaluate whether the training, the program, or the strategy work for audiences or not. Because if a course just provides information without any practical action-taking steps, then people just go nowhere and nowhere. Review: The Breakdown of The Programmes

🌟 S.R.P. Formula: This is the core strategy you apply from the program, which involves setting up niche pages, reposting viral content, do it over and over to generate profit.

📈 Income Potential: He shows you typical sample of income stream you can expect after implementing his idea

🧠 AI Utilization: In his previous course called “SMMA 3.0”, he talks about how to come up with an idea for Instagram viral page, now, you can even apply it without brainstorming with the help of AI

💡 Simpler Alternative: This is the new method using AI for viral marketing on Instagram, which will replace the past methods that don’t work any more.

👥 Testimonials: Features success stories, though with disclaimers about varying results.

📊 Target Audience: Suitable for both beginners and experienced online earners looking to scale their income.

📱 Accessibility: It doesn’t require much technical skill, you may need some investments in recommended tools

🌐 Global Reach: Open to users of all ages and locations.

📅 Flexible Time Investment: Can be managed part-time or full-time, with strategies to batch work.

⚠️ Disclaimers: Emphasizes that success varies based on individual effort and market conditions.

The Advantages Presented By This Training Program

Before we begin, let’s take a quick look on the diagram where i summarize what you are getting inside the program

💡 Low Cost

The main benefits of is that it doesn’t require you much cost to start and to maintain your Instagram niche pages. Many other models (like Amazon FBA) will require you significant upfront investments, the S.R.P. formula from Viral Pages relies on reposting existing viral content.

Therefore, you have eliminated the necessary of paying some variable expenses related to content creation or inventory, so, anyone can start.

⏱️ Time-Efficient

You don’t just learn to implement the strategy, you also have a time-efficient way to manage Instagram pages.

You are using AI tools to optimize and repost viral content, so, you can maintain high level of engagements with less effort. This means, you remove all the manual work for things like brainstorming what to start, where to do.

🌍 Global Reach

It doesn’t matter who you are, and it doesn’t matter the market you are stepping into, it will work. Even you are in the US, you can still implement the strategy for audiences in Europe.

🧠 AI Optimization

We are living in the age of artificial intelligence, so, it’s a minus if you don’t leverage the effectiveness of AI to find content to repost and then repost. The AI tools will provide you the accurate and trustable engagement metrics, so, you can make a proper adjustments to ensure the content are relevant and engaging.

🚀 Quick Start

You can implement the S.R.P. formula almost right away, without the need to procrashtinate, even if you have zero no prior experience in this area. As the strategy has simplified the process of setting up niche pages and reposting viral content. So, newscomer can setup the viral Instagram pages that actually monetizes for you.

📈 Multiple Income Streams

The method can be used for various business models, this is because you are benefiting the viral and the buzz of Instagram, so, you can do with affiliate marketing, create sponsored posts, and sell products online.

👥 Community Support has a community of users who share their experiences and insights. So, in this collaborative group, you can learn from others who are successful in leveraging his Instagram viral pages formula. Of course, this will also motivate you to always take action and never just jump around, posting anything and anything.

📊 It’s Scaleable

After you setup a page, then, you need to expand your Instagram business. And how can you do that, well, by managing multiple niche pages and leveraging AI tools for optimization, so, you can increase the reach and the engagement. Review: What you are Actually Learning About

The approach that he is going to teach you is to use Instagram and implement his formula called S.R.P. This strategy will focus on three main steps:

  • Setting up your niche Instagram pages,
  • You repost viral content >> This is where you get the profit
  • Do it over and over

And what he claims to people (you and me) that this method allows students to create multiple streams of income and this doesn’t require much manual work as well investment in ads.

Set Up

The first step in the S.R.P. formula is to set up niche Instagram pages. Firstly, you need to select a specific area of interest that has a high potential for engagement. After that, he provides guidance on choosing profitable niches by analyzing trends (what is trendy) and how to identify what types of content that are currently popular.

You know, you cannot post anything and anything. And 100%, you cannot just use one-time price templates to video generator to publish on Instagram Reels, this will not attract people to continue watching.


After you have set up your the niche pages, the next step is to repost viral content. So, you will curate content and then you share the content that has already proven to be popular and viral.

By doing this, you can quickly gain followers and engagement so you don’t need to create original content from scratch.

And to reduce the manual work, he will instruct you how to use AI to research and to adjust your content before you repost. As a result, the content will remain fresh and it will attract attention.

Sample type of viral content according to him:


From the engagement of your Instagram niche pages, this is where you get profit in the last step. Inside the strategy, Tai Lopez outlines several monetization strategies, such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and selling products or services.

So, your main job is to consistently repost content with his strategy using his recommended AI tools.

Of course, you will use both free and paid tools. You cannot expect to earn significant earnings without investment. Instead of wasting tons of money to test on social media ads, you will use paid AI Tools (monthly subscription), which will reduce your cost and leverage the buzz of Instagram Reels.

User’s Testimonial

The Logic Behind Investing Wisely In This System

1. Post Content Frequently

The first month when you setup from scratch will be the hardest month for you. Not just because you don’t have the Instagram auto-scheduler feature (as it’s not qualified for a Account) but also because it has limited views and account reaches. If you want more reaches, you must at least post once a day in the first month to gain attractions from your Instagram reels at first.

2. Invest in high-quality Quality Images or footage

With Instagram theme page business, Instagram Reels videos will represent a lot of your views and followers.

Avoid using free stock websites like Pexels and Pixabay. Even if you use stock footage, you should use footage that looks realistic, not about to scale a horizontal video into a vertical video; it looks sucky and is not attracting people to follow.

For Image: it’s better to generate images from Midjourney (yes, Midjourney only). DALL-E can be good but the quality of DALL-E can’t be compared with Midjourney.

For video: you can use AI-generated videos from Kling AI, Runwayml.

Or for stock footage: prior to using vertical format video from sites like Shutterstock, IStock. Storyblock is good but not a good fit for Instagram Reels as they only provide landscape video.

Is There An Alternative?

I have learned some courses in the industry about mixing up AI Tools and social media, which aims to go viral. And of course, there will be some good courses in the industry that can help you to go viral.

But they have the same characteristics, you are required to invest in some monthly subscription tool, because what we want is to create a professional, actual viral campaigns, you cannot post Crappy videos and hope to get views (no way)

1.Viral Creator of Zita

This course is priced at $197 and this is one of the best AI course i have learned ever. Inside that course, you will see tons of prompts on the notion link (with many notion links), and these prompts will have you understand what will make you go viral and how to come up with the idea and to turn that idea into actual high converting short videos. Review: What’s The Cost?

There’s only a one-time price for the product, at $87. I’m not really sure when he will lock the door.

So, I will update when I have the latest information. But basically, there’s no upsell for the product.

Final Conclusion: The End of My Review

In conclusion, has offered a practical and actionable strategy for those looking to monetize Instagram niche pages. By focusing on setting up niche pages, reposting viral content, and leveraging AI for optimization, you can expect to grow your income with fewer investments

However, it’s important to understand that the success of this strategy relies heavily on consistent implementation. This means you must commit to using the system by reposting content and adjusting video consistently to get the actual result

While the initial investment required is low compared to other business models, you cannot neglect it. You will need to invest in some paid & premium AI tools, which costs you monthly/yearly fee, to fully benefit from the S.R.P formula, as you learned.

What i don’t like are the results as shown on the sales page; I feel this is somewhat hyped and not practical for those who lacks experience or those who are still struggling to scale. So, you must understand that results will vary and it depends on numerous factors

Despite the disadvantages, I still recommend for people like you. Tai Lopez, the course creator and business mentor, is still a trustworthy and established man in the world of internet marketing. And this one is just one after the other program from him you can trust.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I’m not satisfied with the program?

Within 14 days of your purchase, if you are not happy with the program, or if you feel the program is not for you, then you can request for a full refund via support email. Tai Lopez is the big guy, big name in the industry and he is also wealthy, so a single amount of your pocket may not affect him, so he will refund to those unhappy customers.

How long does it take to reach the $X earning results?

It depends on numerous factor. And according to my knowledge, i see most students are existing businesses that are looking to grow their pages, so it’s more likely that they are scaling to earn more and spend less on ads. They are not complete newbie.

ViralPages AI Real Evaluation - How the Program Help you Scale your Earning using Instagram and AI

Read my review, a recently launched programmes from Tai Lopez that teaches you about Instagram viral marketing strategy. Let's see

Course Provider: Person

Course Provider Name: Tai Lopez

Course Provider URL:

Course Mode: Online

Course Workload: PT10H

Start Date: 2024-07-04

End Date: 2025-07-04

Duration: PT10H

Repeat Count: 1

Repeat Frequency: Yearly

Course Type: Paid

Course Currency: USD

Course Price: 87

Editor's Rating:


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4 thoughts on “ Review: Can You Trust Tai Lopez’s Instagram New Training Programme?”

  1. Your review of Viral Pages is good but when I went to use your link to check out the price went from $197 to $87 and I wasn’t sure if it was the same thing.

    It should also be know Tia is selling his course for $297 and not $197 and the JV Zoo produces $87

    • My opinion is yes, the method is about to build a theme page, and as a theme page, you can do faceless video, sharing quote, useful tips , etc, which is hot and trendy now.

      And a newbie with correct mindset can apply the program, create post on Instagram, Tiktok, etc


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